The notion that security can be attained through stockpiling more and more nuclear weapons is outdated.
But thinking that we can spend our way into security isn't the only concept that's outdated: the US policies that govern nuclear weapons remain unchanged since the 1940s, not taking into account all the evidence humanity has of the immense harm that the existence of nuclear weapons has caused—and continues to cause— whether that's to frontline communities in the United States or to the generations abroad who were unwittingly exposed to radiation from testing these weapons of mass destruction.
The time is ripe for the United States to reevaluate its status-quo way of doing things. The status quo does not bring us any closer to security and annually diverts billions of taxpayer dollars away from more urgent causes like education, 医疗保健, 减缓617888九五至尊娱乐变化, the most wide-spread risk threatening humanity and the environment today.
事情本不必这样的. With the right policy changes and a commitment to diplomacy, the United States can be a leader in reducing the nuclear threat—and you can help.
- 引人入胜的 & 教育拜登政府,
- 施压 国会支持变革,
- 持有 decision makers accountable through independent research and analysis,
- 增加 public demand for changing nuclear weapon policies and obtaining 为核前线社区伸张正义.